cut the carrots, onion, celery into medium size chunks
cut the pancetta into small cubes
in big stainless steel pot on the stove cold as always add the pancetta
start it up on low heat and we let the pancetta slowly come up to temperature
render the fat and crispen up the small beautiful pancetta chunks
all the nice juice and fat you got out in the bottom that's going to give a lot of good flavor
remove the pancetta for the pot
add a couple the clarified butter
add the minced beef and the minced pork
crank up the heat and cook until the meat turns brown
use a spoon to break up the meat into small pieces
once the meat turns brown turn down the heat to minimum and take out the meat
add butter into the pan and let it melt
add the chopped onions, carrots, celery, let them sweat out and sauté for 10-15 minutes or until they get nice and soft
create some space in the middle, add the tomato paste and let it cook for 2 minutes
mix everything together
add ½ a bottle of white wine to deglaze the pan
add the pancetta and all of the minced meat
give it a good mix
add the chicken stock
bring it to a simmer
add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper
add a small stick of cinnamon
add the rinds of Parmesan
let it cook and simmer for two-three hours
remove the rinds of parmesan
add the milk and mix it in
let it simmer for about half an hour more until the sauce has the perfect consistency that we're looking for
boil the pasta in a pot and preserve the water once ready
take a pan place it on the stove running on high heat and add 3 spoons of sauce, the pasta and half a ladle of your pasta water, that will make everything stick together.
mix it all in
ready to serve