start by mixing the dry ingredients
in a big bowl add the wheat flour
add the sugar
add the baking powder
add the dry yeast
mix it in until all ingredients are combined
add the lukewarm water
add the milk
add the vegetable oil
start mixing with a spoon
take the dough scraper and start folding over the dough until all the flour is removed from the sides of the bowl
flip the dough over to your working bench and start kneading
add flour in order to make it easier
the dough will be ready, when pressed and then bounce back
add a little bit of oil in the bowl, dip the dough in and flip it around
cover the bowl and let it rest for an hour or until double in size
take the dough out of the bowl, knead it so the air bubbles are out
roll the dough out using a wood rolling pin
give it a coat of oil, flip the dough over and continue rolling
cut the dough using a cookie cutter or a water glass and place them on individual parchment papers
oil the surface a little bit on each of them
fold them over gently and don't squeeze them too much
take the rolling pin and roll them gently
transfer them in the oven tray
cover with a tea towel and let them rest for 30-45 minutes
transfer them into the steam basket and don't overcrowd them, cook it in batches
take the steam basket and place it on top of the wok filled in with boiling water for 12 minutes