Sizzling Black Angus Tomahawk BBQ: Perfect Steaks & Crispy Oven Fries

Sizzling Black Angus Tomahawk BBQ: Perfect Steaks & Crispy Oven Fries

We start by selecting the finest Black Angus Tomahawk steaks, known for their rich flavor and succulent texture. Watch as we season them, ensuring each bite is bursting with flavor.But that's not all - we also show you how to make our signature homemade BBQ sauce. This sauce, with its perfect balance of sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors, complements the steaks wonderfully, elevating the taste to a whole new level. We'll guide you through the simple yet delightful process of creating this sauce from scratch. No steak is complete without a side, and our oven potato fries are the perfect match. Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, these fries are seasoned to complement both the steak and the BBQ sauce.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Resting Time 10 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people


  • 2 pieces Black Angus Tomahawk Steaks

Homemade BBQ Sauce Ingredients:

  • 300 g / 1 cup g of Ketchup
  • 60 ml / 2 oz ml Apple cider vinegar
  • 40 g / ⅕ oz g Ketjap Manis
  • 2 tsp Habanero Chili Jam
  • 1 tbsp BBQ seasoning of your choice
  • Potatoes for Fries
  • Sea Salt for seasoning


  • take the Black Angus tomahawk stakes and season them up with salt you on all sides
  • leave them in the fridge for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours so you get the osmosis
  • warm up the sous vide box to 53°C-127.4°F and then we're going to get these
  • into some vacuum bags but as you see
  • cover up with some aluminium foil the end of the bones to avoid ripping a hole in the vacuum bag
  • give it a double seal so that you are sure it's tight
  • put in the stakes close the lid and then we let them cook for 1 ½, 2, 3 hours, this is stress-free barbecue because you can let them go until you're ready to sear

Barbecue sauce

  • add 300g of ketchup into a small pan running on medium temperature
  • add 60 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • add 40 g of ketchup Manis
  • add 1 tsp of Worcester sauce
  • add 2 tsp of homemade habanero chili jam
  • add 1 tsp of the standard barbecue rub which consists equal parts of salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, garlic & onion powder
  • bring it to a simmer and then let it boil for 10 min or until it becomes nice and thick


  • wash the potatoes thoroughly so you can keep the skin on
  • cut the potatoes in steak fries size
  • place them on an oiled oven pot covered with baking paper
  • add some olive oil on top
  • sprinkle some sea salt over the potatoes
  • place the oven pot in the oven, middle rack 180℃-356℉ and let it bake for 40 minutes or until it becomes golden
  • take the stakes out 10 minutes before you want to sear them so to keep wall to wall perfect medium rare steak
  • use kitchen paper and cover the stakes to remove the moisture


  • start the gas grill on maximum with all five burners on
  • spray some oil and let them get some nice sear marks
  • once ready get them off, cover them with aluminium foil and let them rest for 10 minutes
  • ready to serve


Keyword BBQ, cooking, foodie, greece, recipe
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